Vishesh Krishi And Gram Udyog Yojana (VKGUY) (Special Agriculture And Village Industry Scheme)
VKGUY is to promote exports of
- Agricultural Produce and their value added products;
- Minor Forest Produce and their value added variants;
- Gram Udyog Products;
- Forest Based Products; and
- Other Products, as notified from time to time.
Duty Credit Scrip benefits are granted with an aim to compensate high transport costs, and to offset other disadvantages.
Exporters, of products , shall be entitled for Duty Credit Scrip equivalent to 5% of FOB value of exports (in free foreign exchange) for exports made from 27.8.2009 onwards, unless a specific date of export / period is specified by public notice / notification.
However, for exports made w.e.f 27.8.2009, some Flowers, Fruits, Vegetables and other products, shall be entitled to an additional duty credit scrip equivalent to 2% of FOB value of exports; over and above the 5% or 3% VKGUY reduced rate entitlement available.
Why choose us
- Complete expertise in required documentation and filing of Applications
- Speedy Issuance from DGFT
- Immediate Registration at Customs
- Sale/ Purchase at the most competitive prices